Monday, December 15, 2014

The route or lack of...

My initial idea was to start in Los Angeles and ride down to Cartagena, Colombia but after a few e-mail exchanges with my uncle, I was dissuaded. I rather not be hacked to cubes with a blunt and rusty machete which was previously used to cut some coconuts.

I did a little research (an hour on Google) and I found that the gang violence in Central America was pretty bad and some people had issues going through even in a car.

After about a day I decided I was going to Start in Pasto, Colombia and ride all the way down to Ushuaia, Argentina, the tip of South America, around 4000mi, then I'll drink some beers with the Penguins. I'm planning to finish in around 3 months, I really wish I had more time to explore and take it all in, unfortunately I owe an astronomical amount in student loans so I have to get a job as soon as I get back. The pedaling begins on Jan. 20th.

I won't be taking a GPS because I'm broke mostly so I'm just gonna rely on locals and oldschool maps. It's also worth mentioning I'm going solo.

Adventure time


  1. Dude. This is pretty epic. Looking forward to following the journey.

  2. Thanks Jesse! hopefully I can update every other day.
